Save the Dates!
The BNCS annual meeting returns, on Monday 9th May 2002, at the Royal College of Physicians, London.
Topics will include:
Service Development
Testing or Screening for CAD?
Broader applications, including PET in Vasculitis
BNMS Spring 2022 Meeting
At the SEC Glasgow on 16th - 18th May 2022
Running the Cardiac “Bootcamp” on Monday 16th May. More details here:
BCS Annual Conference
100 years of Cardiology! Monday 6th - Wednesday 8th June 2022, Manchester Central, Manchester UK
Running a Level One Introduction to Nuclear Cardiology course, and in the “Imaging Village”.
Royal College Physicians London
Newsletter October 2021
Relevant links you will find in this post:
Current Trends in Nuclear Cardiology Virtual Event on 03/06/2021
Newsletter March 2021
BNCS Newsletter March 2021 pdf
Relevant links you will find in this post:
ICNC-CT 2021 Virtual Registration
BSCI/BSCCT Annual Meeting 2021
State of the Art Nuclear Cardiology article -new-
NM Technologists Shortage Survey
BSCI/ASNC webinar
In collaboration with ASNC, Michelle Williams and Jim Stirrup from the BSCI committee are hosting a BSCI/ASNC webinar at 5pm UK time on Thursday 10th September entitled ‘An introduction to the role of nuclear imaging in coronary artery disease’. Please register for this on
NICE and Tafamidis
NICE have published their appraisal document for Tafamidis and the outcome is not favouable. for the full document, please clinck here. The BNCS and BNMS are producing recommedations and answers to the questions posed by NICE. Pfizer (makers of Tafamidis) sent out educational grant proposal for which we are applying - hopefully the two avenues combined will secure the treatmemt of amyloid in the UK.
Please take the survey here to help the effort
Complimentary education for trainees
Starting Today
Cross posted via ASNC. To support trainee education during this challenging time, ASNC is offering complimentary live teaching sessions over the next two weeks. Starting Monday, April 6, and continuing each weekday through Friday, April 17, ASNC Virtual Nuclear Cardiology Elective will convene from 2:00 to 4:00 PM (US EDT) via zoom video conferencing.
Each day’s program will feature an ASNC leader delivering a 30-minute didactic lecture followed by 90 minutes of hands-on case interpretation of SPECT/PET/novel SPECT cases, including 99m Technetium SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), 99m Tc-pyrophosphate amyloid imaging, 82 Rubidium-PET MPI, 13N-ammonia PET MPI, 18F-FDG myocardial imaging for viability, sarcoidosis, and infection. A tentative schedule is outlined here.
“We know that most trainees are working under stressful conditions, trying to balance intense work schedules with their education," says ASNC President Sharmila Dorbala, MD, MPH, FASNC. "ASNC aims to support them at this difficult time, bringing them education from top nuclear cardiology experts."
You are invited to register for as many sessions as you like; however, space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
P.S. -- For trainees who are on clinical service and unable attend this two-week elective, ASNC will offer the video recording of these sessions.
Membership of ASNC is free for trainees.
During this pandemic, ARSAC has issued additional guidance. Due to the rapidly changing situation this should be considered alongside all current government guidelines:
Wherever possible, the patient’s best interest should be considered and individual patient circumstances should be assessed on a case by case basis prior to administration. This may result in some patient administrations continuing and some non-urgent or routine exams being cancelled or rescheduled.
The BNMS has additional resources here.
The Royal College of Radiologists has published guidance on non-urgent imaging here. Routine hospital attendances for patients should be stopped to reduce COVID-19 transmission. Imaging Departments should plan to minimise non-urgent imaging as they will have fewer staff available and more demand for in-patient services.
In a March 30 memo Nuclear Medicine Europe (NMEu) reported that NTP has informed them that the cessation of flights in and out of South Africa interrupted a bulk shipment of Mo-99 last week. Other options, such as charter flights, are being explored. However, other reactors have been able to maintain operation and production while protecting staff with additional measures.
ASNC held a webinar on preparedness for COVID-19. The slides are available here.
ASNC has a COVID-19 Resource Center for industry statements on status and operations during the pandemic. And, has published this guidance.
The BCS is collating a COVID-19 Clinicians Resource Hub outlining what is currently known & the latest advice for clinicians.
Stay safe everyone.